Q&A with the White Rabbit

A couple of months ago the Beastformers Team was asked to participate in the Collector Limelights series on BattleBeastsBattleground and even though the White Rabbit is not giving interviews or is sharing information outside the known channels for this one time an exception was made. And today the interview named; The Definitive Beastformers Collection was released!

This elusive and mysterious Rabbit, who´s operating under the Beastformers name, shares and spreads information, background stories, historical details and photos related to the Battle Beasts line in public via LittleRubberGuys and the Beastformers Blog in order to keep the line alive and to make sure it wont be forgotten but personal or private details are rarely shared…. BUT for this one time and exclusively for the Collectors Limelight series the White Rabbit speaks;

cropped-battle-beasts-battleground3In the interview which the White Rabbit had with Ed, founder of BattleBeastsBattleground, some of the following questions are answered:

  • Do you remember much about different stores that stocked them in your area?
  • Do you still have any original BB from your childhood?
  • How did you decide how you wanted to display your collection?
  • What are some of your rare pieces or grail pieces in your collection?

Are you curious to see the answers of the White Rabbit to these and many more questions? Than have a look at this Exclusively given interview on BattleBeastsBattleground, with special photo´s of the Beastformers Collection taken, for the Collector Limelights series;

The Definitive
Beastformers Collection


For this and more exclusive photo´s from the Beastformers Collection check the interview!

It was a pleasure, and an honor, to participate in this unique series that gives an insight in the collection of some of the biggest Battle Beasts collectors on the planet and how they remember, experience, display and simply…….. Enjoy their Beasts!



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